
June 27, 2013

Movie: Civil War Combat

Civil War Combat; America's Bloodiest Battles

A few days ago, I rented this movie from my local library, with other Civil War DVDs. This movie I put into my DVD player first, because it looked the most interesting, and by far, the shortest among all of them. I only had a couple hours to watch something that night, so I went with this one, which was the shortest at 200 minutes. If you have not noticed before, Civil War movie are all really long, for example, Ken Burns, Civil war is 660 minutes long. Now, lets get to the movie itself.

This movie was a 2 disc set and each disc had 2 different topics on it. The first one had the "Hornets Nest at Shiloh" and "Bloody Lane at Antietam". This disc was the most interesting, in my opinion. It had reenactments of the battle, and it showed the battle tactics that the officers of the armies took. It mainly focused on the flaws of the plans on both sides, starting with Lee and then to Grant, but after that it went to the lower ranking officers. In Bloody Lane at Antietam, it talked immensely about the entire battle for a while and the went right into Blood Lane. 

If you take a look at the blog post, Antietam, you can see pictures of Bloody Lane that we actually walked in. Bloody Lane was a wagon route that the local farmers used to bring there crops into town, and over a long time, the road sank into the ground 5 feet in some places. 

The Hornets Nest at Shiloh, I am not as familiar with it as I am Antietam, but looking from the reenactments, I can really tell why they called it the Hornets Nest. In the movie, they really made it seem like every 2 seconds, someone, or either side was killed. 

In conclusion, I really believe that this movie, Civil War Combat; America's Bloodiest Battles was a true and accurate description of what really happened over 150 years ago on some of these battles. We are not looking forward to the 150th anniversary of the BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG this July 1, 2 and 3rd.     

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